Crocuses started appearing last week and now are blooming in greater numbers. I have some yellow, purple and white ones but the purple come back with more relish than the rest. The emergence of the crocuses are the first welcome signs of Spring; the sign for me to unearth my gardening hat, get some gloves on and get to work. This past week I've been clearing out all the dried plant skeletons from last year to make way for new growth. Clearing away the mess of old leaves and twigs reveals the first tender green shoots that have been quietly getting dressed these last dull and drear weeks. New herbs!
I love the surprise the bright surprise of new herb shoots. This year chives, parsley and oregano are the first vivid greens struggling out from the barren brown of the rest of the garden. It will be another month or two before these herbs are big enough to trim for table but like old friends that have been too long absent, it is a joy just to see them out again in their new green coats. They are only the first inkling of what the garden will be this year. Now new seeds have been ordered, the vegetable beds are turned and ready to be sown, and the daffodils will pop out any
day now. It must be Spring!