Peach Ice Cream
2 cups sliced fresh peaches
1/2 cup sugar
1 T lemon juice
Mix together and chill for 1 hour. Combine with 1 chilled batch of your favorite vanilla ice cream base (I use the basic one from the ice cream maker book - milk, cream, sugar & vanilla). Pour in ice cream maker per usual instructions.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Goodbye Sweet Peach
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
3 Cheers for Chives
Chive Butter
1 stick butter (8Tbsp)
3-4 Tbsp chopped chives
Let butter sit at room temperature until soft and easy to work. Mix with herbs in a small bowl until well blended. Spoon onto wax paper and remold into a stick shape. Wrap tightly and freeze. Garlic and dill are also fabulous to use for an herb butter!
Add a tablespoon or two of chive butter to the pan before frying fish or to start a simple sauce. A little herbed butter melted and tossed with steamed vegetables is truly delightful.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Baby Lettuce
Lettuce is the really most enjoyable crop I grow mainly because it's easy. If you have a little space to spare, you can grow lettuce. It fits in just about anywhere, can be sown directly into your garden or into a free planter. Since lettuce matures so quickly, a month or 2 depending on the variety, you can plant it with other slower growing plants and harvest before they run out of room. It also does not usually suffer much damage from pests. There are many varieties, from sweet to tart, flat greens and frilly reds, a lot more than you will ever find in any market. I love to see a garden well quilted with multicolored heads of lettuce so this year I've planted 4 different varieties of lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson, Matina Sweet Butterhead, Red Oakleaf and Deer Tongue. So much of the Deer Tongue sprouted that I needed to thin the seedlings tonight which meant I got my first salad of baby lettuce!
A little oil and vinegar is all fresh from the garden lettuce needs to accent it's delicate flavor. I tossed in a radish that was ready too. Yum.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The First Asparagus
Labor and time are the two things that make asparagus an expensive delicacy. Because the spears emerge in waves over several weeks, they don't "ripen" all at once for easy harvesting and must be hand-picked as individual spears reach the right size. Even more labor goes into white asparagus, which is any regular variety only "blanched" or shaded from light. By gradually mounding earth around the extending tips as they grow their asparagus are not exposed to the sun and do not develop the usual green color but become a ghostly shade of cream, highly prized for a sublimely subtle flavor. I keep meaning to try this one year but the shoots grow too tall before I get organized.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Signs of Spring
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Comfort of Spice
Simple Turkey Chili
1T vegetable oil
1lb freshly ground turkey(or meat of choice)
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 a large green pepper, seeded and chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 28oz can of diced tomatoes
1 15oz can of dark red kidney beans
1T chili powder
salt, pepper and pepper sauce to taste
Pour oil in a deep soup pot or skillet over medium high heat. When
hot add turkey and cook until no longer pink, about 10 minutes. Add
onions, pepper and garlic and cook about 5 minutes until onion starts to
soften. Add tomatoes, beans, chili powder, a dash of salt and pepper and
bring to a simmer. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring
occasionally. Taste and adjust seasoning to your liking.
Best topped with grated cheddar, sour cream and fresh jalapeno
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Winter Greens
Cooking kale is outrageously simple. Remove washed leaves from the tough stems and toss in a pot with about half an inch of lightly salted boiling water then cover and steam for 10 to 15 minutes. The greens wilt down a little like spinach, but there is a hearty flavor and backbone left to the kale. I was expecting a bitter flavor, which I found in the mustard greens we tried, but was surprised just how tasty and tender the kale was. Although most cookbooks I referenced were largely silent on the subject of cooking greens, collards and kale, the cooking times I found varied widely, up to an hour in some recipes. Starting at the minimum of 10 with my first batch of kale, I liked it so much I did not try any longer cooking. It strikes me that kale leaves chopped would be a lovely addition to rustic winter soups and would stand up well to an extended simmer.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Delivered Temptations
This year I'm debating whether to try a new lettuce or a kale. Lingering over the tomatoes makes me think it might be time to try one of the yellow heirloom varieties; Pineapple, Persimmon or Gold Medal. They promise to be intriguely sweet with a rich flavor. These pictures of gorgeous red fruits lead to daydreams of fresh salsa, tomato salad, tomato sandwiches, and stewed tomatoes. In these pages I forget for a moment that last year was my worst tomato crop ever because each and every perfect tomato was tested by a squirrel first. After watching them for weeks ripening from green to red I would come out to discover the horror of tomatoes with weeping, insect covered ragged holes. Ah, but that was last year. As more catalogues come the disappointments fade and hope for the new season returns. After all, the tomatoes salvaged were wonderful.