Friday, January 9, 2009

Delivered Temptations

The catalogues have begun arriving again. I mean, of course, the seed catalogues, those visions of wonder and delight wherein every page is a summer day in a perfect garden. Temptation begins in early January and continues until May. They are such a joy to browse through as the wind shakes the downspouts and the cold really takes hold outside. It is easy to slip into the fantasy of the catalogue photos, stepping into a garden where seeds always sprout easily and there is always time to feed and water when needed. These tender shoots never suffer destruction by rabbit or insect and there is a big and beautiful crop unblighted by armies of unknown bugs.

This year I'm debating whether to try a new lettuce or a kale. Lingering over the tomatoes makes me think it might be time to try one of the yellow heirloom varieties; Pineapple, Persimmon or Gold Medal. They promise to be intriguely sweet with a rich flavor. These pictures of gorgeous red fruits lead to daydreams of fresh salsa, tomato salad, tomato sandwiches, and stewed tomatoes. In these pages I forget for a moment that last year was my worst tomato crop ever because each and every perfect tomato was tested by a squirrel first. After watching them for weeks ripening from green to red I would come out to discover the horror of tomatoes with weeping, insect covered ragged holes. Ah, but that was last year. As more catalogues come the disappointments fade and hope for the new season returns. After all, the tomatoes salvaged were wonderful.

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